Africa's Century

The 21st century is for Africa. As an African child and Generation X by definition, i feel duty bound, in the journey of my life time, to contribute to the development of this burgeoning continent through my researched views stimulated by the fast paced and changing global socio-political and economic landscape.

About Me

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An emerging African entrepreneur,strategist in the making, philosopher, revenue specialist, marketer and the community volunteer of note. My particular interests are on subjects, dialogue and debates relating to economics, international trade, sustainability, politics, environment, social entrepreneurship, technology, religion, health, science and business in general.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Barriers blunt trade within Africa - World Bank

To leverage on the huge potential to build a competitive and world-class continent, Africa's political leaders have to think beyond their short-term gains of political and self-serving privileges. They should begin to shift from a political rhetoric that is paralytic to an action driven leadership that is authentically beneficial to the people of Africa. We need leaders with a strong political will, unorthodox and truly servant leaders to build a lasting continental legacy for current and future generations. Maintaining status quo potentially perpetuates a political paralysis with backward economic development leaving the continent a breeding ground for exploitative capitalists while African people are watching and remaining in dire poverty.

According to Obiageli Ezekwesili, World Bank vice president for Africa and a former Nigerian Minister, it is clear that Africa is not reaching its potential for regional trade. She adds that African leaders must now back aspiration with action and work together to align the policies, the institutions and investments needed to unblock (trade) barriers. Trade barriers and red tape are a breeding ground for corruption and stifle economic progress. Read More

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