Africa's Century

The 21st century is for Africa. As an African child and Generation X by definition, i feel duty bound, in the journey of my life time, to contribute to the development of this burgeoning continent through my researched views stimulated by the fast paced and changing global socio-political and economic landscape.

About Me

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An emerging African entrepreneur,strategist in the making, philosopher, revenue specialist, marketer and the community volunteer of note. My particular interests are on subjects, dialogue and debates relating to economics, international trade, sustainability, politics, environment, social entrepreneurship, technology, religion, health, science and business in general.

Monday, January 30, 2012

South African democracy in action - Corruption Watchdog launched

It is not by default that South African constitution, in black and white, is an admiration of the world. South Africa's transition from the malevolence of apartheid to the contemporary form of governance, in the name of democracy, led by the revered Dr. Nelson Mandela cemented the voyage.

As a young South African, i beam with pride to witness the evolution of democracy from its inception. While the country is bleeding from high unemployment rate, poverty and inequality, the development such as the launch of the Corruption Watchdog by the largest trade union federation, supported by the right and the left, attest to the maturity of the nascent democracy and leaves one with confidence of HOPE. Read more about the full story on IOL

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